3 Best Cars For Dogs According To Expert Dog-Lovers


Dogs are part of the family; they deserve to travel in style. If you’re looking for a car that makes it easy to bring your best friend along, look no further than this list of the top dogs on wheels!

The cars listed below were selected for safety and comfort.

The cars listed below were selected for safety and comfort.

Safety: The vehicles on this list have been deemed safe for both humans and dogs, according to experts in the field of car safety.

Comfort: Dogs enjoy being comfortable, so it’s important that you find a car that will make them happy. A dog should be able to sit up and look out the window comfortably, with its head resting on the top of the front seat backrest. It should also be able to lie down with its feet touching all four corners of the vehicle (if possible). Additionally, leather seats are preferable over cloth seats because they’re easier to clean after an accident occurs involving any spilled food or drink items.*

Ease of bringing along as a passenger: The vehicles listed below are easy for owners to bring along as passengers without sacrificing too much space or comfort themselves.*

Built-in crumple zones can save lives: All modern cars have built-in crumple zones that help absorb impact during accidents by crushing instead of transferring force directly into occupants seated behind these zones.*

Large breeds must be able to fit in the back seat, medium-size dogs in the front seat, and small dog breeds just about anywhere.

The size of your dog is also an important factor. Large breeds must be able to fit in the back seat, medium-size dogs in the front seat, and small dog breeds just about anywhere. If you have a medium-size dog that doesn’t fit comfortably in the back seat, you can use a pet car barrier to keep them safe and secure while driving.

Medium-size dogs are best suited for the front seat, but can ride in the back seat as long as they are not too large. The airbag should be off when they’re riding up front with their owner so you don’t accidentally kill them with your kindness!

Dogs should always be restrained in a moving vehicle.

It’s important to always restrain your dog in the car. The American Kennel Club recommends using a harness or seat belt when you transport your pet and it’s important to remember that not all dogs, no matter how well-trained, will sit still in a moving vehicle. If a large, unruly animal is staring at you from the back seat as you drive down the highway (or even worse: barreling towards you), there’s little room for error.

As with any child safety restraints, harnesses are best for dogs who have no history of aggression or anxiety around cars. For those more nervous pups who may try to jump out of open windows while on the road, restraint systems designed specifically for canine travel are available with built-in tethers that will keep them tethered to the vehicle should they decide to make an escape attempt.

Due to their size and weight distribution (especially when seated), larger breeds are less likely than smaller ones—and long-haired breeds can be particularly problematic because their longer fur can get caught in parts inside vehicles—so if you own one of these breeds we recommend buying an SUV instead of something like a compact sedan or hatchback; SUVs tend to have better visibility all around compared with smaller cars anyway so this works out well on both fronts!

Dog harnesses are the best option for your pet.

Dog harnesses are the best option for your pet, because they’re safer than collars and more comfortable than leashes. The best thing about dog harnesses is that they don’t cause damage to your dog’s neck or spine like collars do, so you’ll have longer-lasting pets if you use them over time. Dog harnesses also distribute weight evenly across their shoulders, so they won’t get sore from carrying around heavy items such as keys or wallets (if you want to take them out with you).

Finally, because dog seat belts are made of fabric rather than metal hardware like traditional car seat belts are—and because they’re really easy to install—they’re also a great choice for any kind of long-distance travel with your favorite furry friend!

Dog crates are also a safe way to restrain your pet while in the car.

Dog crates are also a safe way to restrain your pet while in the car. If your dog is used to being crated, they’ll be less likely to try and escape during travel time. The best part? Dog crates are a great way to keep your dog safe while in the car, so they can make sure they don’t get distracted or hurt by something outside of the vehicle. If you’re looking for peace of mind while out with Fido on adventures, then consider getting an air-tight crate that has built-in ventilation systems!

Do not transport your dog in the cargo area of an SUV.

Do not transport your dog in the cargo area of an SUV.

If you are a fan of SUVs, you may be tempted to put your dog in the cargo area. After all, it’s spacious and better than having him ride with other passengers or on his own lap. However, this is a dangerous idea for both people and dogs alike! The cargo area is not safe for your dog because…

  • He will be unable to escape if something happens while he’s riding there (e.g., an accident)
  • Other passengers are at risk of injury if he jumps around during travel
  • You could get into an accident because of distractions caused by him moving around too much

A temperature gauge is a must if you live in a hot climate or frequently have your dog in the car.

  • A temperature gauge is a must if you live in a hot climate or frequently have your dog in the car.
  • The heat of your vehicle can rise quickly, and dogs are particularly vulnerable to overheating. According to the ASPCA, “Dogs suffer rapid heatstroke when their body temperature rises above 103°F (39°C).” Dogs can overheat and die in just 10 minutes in a hot car; they also require shade, water and rest after being exposed to extreme temperatures. If you find yourself stuck with an overheated pooch on a summer day, here are some tips for cooling them down:
  • Move your dog into an air-conditioned room right away
  • Use cool cloths wrapped around his paws if he’s not sitting still enough to lick them himself; this will help him cool off faster by lowering his body temperature gradually
  • Provide cold water for him—but not ice cubes! Ice could cause internal damage if ingested accidentally

Consider a heated and cooled seat if you live in an area with extreme temperatures.

If you’re living in an area where the temperature fluctuates wildly, consider a heated and cooled seat for your pooch. While this is definitely a luxury feature, it’s one that can make life much more comfortable for both you and your pup when driving in extreme temperatures.

Look for cars that make it easy to secure a dog crate or dog harness.

You want to look for cars that make it easy to secure a dog crate or dog harness. These include:

  • A car which has a secure area in the back of the car where you can put your dog. This could be one of those little plastic crates with an opening at the top (so they can see out). Or, if you don’t need a plastic crate, this could just be an area where they feel comfortable sitting and lying down while riding in the car.
  • A car that has two front seats and two middle seats so there’s room for human passengers as well as for dogs who like riding up front with their owners (or maybe in between two humans).
  • A higher-end model with heated seats! This is especially important if it gets cold outside where you live during winter months, but even if it doesn’t get very cold during summertime it never hurts to have warm places on your body when traveling long distances—you might get sleepy from driving so much!

Tracks for secure travel harnesses are available on select models from Ford and Acura.

Ford and Acura also offer tracks for their secure travel harnesses on select models. In the case of Ford, you can use this track in the front seat to keep your dog securely seated while driving, but it will not work in the backseat; instead, you would need to install a third-party accessory that has been designed specifically for this purpose.

For Acura owners, there is a specific track available for your RDX model vehicle. If you choose to purchase an aftermarket version of this option from places like Amazon or eBay as opposed to getting it from your local car dealership (which may be more expensive), be sure to double check that it fits properly before making any purchases so that you don’t end up with something that won’t work well with your vehicle!

Cars with built-in crumple zones can save the life of any human or canine passengers in unfortunate accidents.

Crumple zones are designed to absorb impact energy in an accident. They do this by being made of plastic, which is flexible and strong enough to withstand impact energy while also softening it.

Crumple zones can be found on many modern cars and trucks. These areas are located behind the front tires, but some trucks have smaller ones behind rear tires as well.

Certain luxury brands offer leather seats that resist pet hair better than cloth seats, which can accumulate hair more easily.

In addition to the fact that they’re easier to clean, leather seats offer additional benefits: they’re more comfortable and durable than cloth. Leather is also great for your dog, as it keeps them cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather (compared with a fabric car seat). Leather is also far less likely to tear or puncture than fabric.

Finally, leather offers a certain degree of luxury that some drivers feel is worth paying for—particularly since many dog-friendly vehicles don’t come standard with leather interiors at all. However, if you want leather as an option on your next car purchase then expect to pay dearly for it; most vehicles with this type of cover will cost upwards of $2K more than their fabric-covered counterparts!

These cars were chosen based on how safe they are for both humans and dogs, how easy it is to bring a dog along as a passenger, and how comfortable they are for dogs.

When picking a car for your dog, safety should be the most important factor. Dogs are living creatures and must be protected in every aspect of their lives. It’s not enough to just have seat belts; you need to make sure that there’s no chance of injury if something goes wrong.

Of course, while safety is paramount, it shouldn’t come at the cost of comfort for either you or your furry friend. The best cars allow owners to bring their dogs along without having them disturb other passengers by moving around too much or making too much noise; they also offer enough room that both humans and dogs can remain comfortable throughout their journey together.

Finally, it should be easy for owners to bring along their furry friends whenever they want—or perhaps more importantly: whenever said Fido demands it!


I hope this article has helped you find the perfect car for your dog. The most important thing to remember when picking out a new car is that your dog should always be able to fit in the backseat and front seat, depending on their size. You should also consider how much money you want to spend because some cars can get quite expensive!